Antibiotics Online

Terms of Use

These General Terms and Conditions of Use govern access to the website (hereinafter referred to as "the Site"). By browsing this Site, you acknowledge that, as a user, you are familiar with the terms, accept them unreservedly and comply with them.

1. Personal data

a - Collection and use of your personal data

b - Implementation of "Cookies

What are "Cookies"?

A cookie is a text file that records information about your browsing on the Internet. This file, which is placed on the user's hard disk by the server site when the user consults the site, cannot contain viruses or be executed. It is not active. In addition, you can read, delete or modify it. A cookie cannot be used to retrieve personal data from your hard drive, read your e-mail address or obtain personal information.

The following tracers and cookies are not concerned and may be deposited without your consent:

  • Tracers that enable us to keep a record of your choice regarding the deposit of tracers (or your wish not to express a choice);
  • cookies enabling you to be identified with a service that you have requested;
  • Tracers intended to store the contents of a shopping basket on a merchant site;
  • traces used to personalise the user interface (for example, to choose the language or presentation of a service), when such personalisation is an intrinsic element expected by the user of the service;
  • tracers used to balance the load of equipment providing a communication service;
  • logs enabling paying sites to limit free access to their content to a predefined quantity and/or over a limited period;
  • Trackers used for audience measurement which benefit from an exemption from consent within the framework specified by article 5 of the guidelines relating to cookies and other trackers of 17 September 2020.

Managing your cookies

A cookie cannot be installed on your browser without your prior consent.

Please note! Third-party cookies

We draw your attention to the fact that we are not responsible for the implementation of third-party cookies on your computer by the social network(s) to which you belong. The social networks are likely to place a cookie on your computer, enabling you to be identified, particularly when you use a function enabling you to give your opinion on content or a publication. Our Site includes applications linked to the various social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, etc.) known as "social plugins", which enable us to recommend content to you. When you select a page on our Site containing one of these plugins, your browser establishes a direct link to the servers of the social network concerned. The content of the plugin will be transmitted directly to your browser by the said social network and integrated into the Site. To find out about the purpose and extent of data collection, processing and use by the social network(s) to which you belong, as well as your rights and options for changing the settings to protect your privacy, please consult the General Terms of Use of the social network concerned. If you do not wish a social network to collect data about you on our Site, please disconnect from the said social network before visiting it.

2. Intellectual property

2.1. Licence to use

The structure of the Site and all the content published on the Site are protected by legislation relating to intellectual property.

The photographs, illustrations, drawings or any other graphics, documents, signs, signals, writings, images, sounds or messages of any kind appearing on the Site (hereinafter "the Content") may not be reproduced or represented in any way without prior express written authorisation.

Access to the Site grants you a private, non-collective and non-exclusive right to use the content of the Site. Any form of networking or redistribution is prohibited. The right to reproduce is strictly limited to the representation required for your private use. If you wish to make commercial use of the information on this site, you must request our express agreement. To do so, please contact us by clicking here.

All materials published on the Site, including but not limited to texts, photographs, computer graphics, icons, multimedia and audiovisual files (hereinafter referred to as "the Materials"), constitute works. Consequently, any representation or reproduction, in whole or in part, which may be made without the consent of their authors or their successors in title, is unlawful. You may not therefore modify, copy, transmit by e-mail or in any other way, assign, download, display or, in general, exploit these Materials.

You therefore undertake to:

  • download the Materials onto your computer for private use only and for a limited period only;
  • to print the downloaded Materials on paper only on condition that the said copies are strictly limited to private use;
  • not to reproduce the digital version of the Materials for press review purposes;
  • not to alter, modify, move, remove or replace the editorial content (text and/or reproduction) of the Materials.

You are reminded that infringement of any of the copyrights of the publisher or authors of this Site constitutes an infringement of copyright. reserves the right, at its sole discretion and without prior notice, to modify, delete or add to the "Terms and Conditions of Use" of the Site at any time, in particular in order to take into account any legal, jurisprudential, editorial and/or technical developments. The prevailing version is that which is accessible online. You are therefore advised to refer regularly to the latest version of these General Conditions of Use. also reserves the right to modify the characteristics or content of the Site. It may also restrict access to certain sections of the Site without prior notice. may at its sole discretion suspend, interrupt or terminate access to all or part of the Site for any reason whatsoever, including but not limited to failure to comply with the Site's "Terms and Conditions of Use". It does not warrant that the Site is error-free or that all imperfections will be corrected.

2.2. Text mining is opposed to all harvesting and text-mining operations.

This opposition covers the whole of the Site and the Content to which it gives access.

All harvesting and text and data mining operations targeting the Site and its Contents, including by means of automated data collection devices, therefore constitute acts of counterfeiting unless a specific, formally expressed agreement has been obtained from

3. Limitation of liability

You are solely liable for any direct or indirect, material or immaterial damage or loss if it is caused by, based on or originates from the use of the Site by you or by any person authorised by you to use this Site. By use, we mean any use of the Site whatsoever, whether fraudulent or not.

As such, you waive any claim or legal action relating to such damages and prejudice, on the basis of the contractual liability of in its capacity as publisher of this Site or on any other basis.

Minors are permitted to register for a number of the services offered on the Site, provided that they have obtained prior authorisation from their parents (or the person exercising parental authority) to do so and to provide the information and e-mail addresses to which any communications may be sent. The fact that they register implies that they have obtained this prior authorisation. reserves the right to request written proof of this at any time, and to carry out any checks, as well as to delete any personal account for which the minor holder does not provide such proof within five (5) days of the request, or within any other time limit which may be set by will immediately delete any personal account, upon receipt of a parental request to close the personal account and delete the related content. warns those with parental authority of the diversity and nature of the content available on the Internet, which may be harmful to minors. Parents are therefore encouraged to supervise their children when they connect.

Parents and any person exercising parental authority are also reminded that it is their responsibility to determine which services accessible on the Site their minor child is authorised to use and to monitor their child's use of these services.

Hypertext links may lead to sites other than the Site. By clicking on these links, you are leaving the Site and entering sites over which exercises no control. Consequently, declines all responsibility in the event that the content of these sites contravenes the legal and regulatory provisions in force.

Furthermore, you are reminded that no hypertext link may be made to the Site without the prior and express authorisation of the Site's publisher. In the absence of authorisation, such a link is considered to constitute an infringement of copyright, the penalties for which have already been mentioned above. undertakes to make its best efforts to secure access, consultation and use of the Materials in accordance with the rules of Internet usage. Access to the Site is possible twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week, except in the event of force majeure or an event beyond the control of and subject to any breakdowns and maintenance operations necessary for the proper functioning of the Site and the Materials, which may be carried out without prior notice to you.

Consequently, cannot be held responsible in the following cases:

  • Temporary interruptions lasting a few minutes to update certain files;
  • Operating difficulties or temporary interruption of these services beyond the control of, particularly in the event of interruption of electricity or telecommunications services;
  • Temporary interruptions to services required for their development or maintenance;
  • Failure or malfunction of the Internet network in the transmission of messages or documents;
  • You declare that you accept the characteristics and limits of the Internet, and in particular acknowledge;
  • that you are aware of the nature of the Internet, in particular its technical performance and response times for consulting, querying or transferring information/data;
  • that you are responsible for communicating any access codes you may have, and in particular your user name and password, or in general any information deemed confidential;
  • that it is your responsibility to take all necessary measures to ensure that the technical characteristics of your computer allow you to consult the Site;
  • It is your responsibility to take all appropriate measures to protect your own data and/or software from contamination by any viruses circulating on the Site;
  • Downloading the Materials implies unreserved acceptance of said Materials and of these General Terms and Conditions of Use.

4. Partnerships

The partner sections of the Site are managed directly by's partners through rerouting to their respective sites. Consequently, the content and services offered by these partners are not subject to the present "General Conditions of Use" and are offered without any guarantee from

Consequently, may not be held liable for any reason whatsoever and on any grounds whatsoever in relation to the offers thus consulted or to any transactions that may result therefrom.

The sections of the Site's partners are intended to provide you with simple information from the Site and no transaction can be carried out directly there. This information cannot therefore be qualified as an offer by to supply services or products, as is only the vector of information relating to these offers.

It is therefore your responsibility to carry out any due diligence and checks that you deem necessary before proceeding with any transaction whatsoever with these third parties.

5. Special conditions for social and community areas (forum, chat, comments, etc.) provides you with dedicated social network spaces and tools reserved for free communication between Internet users, as well as for sharing contributions and content. In this respect, acts exclusively as host of the community areas it makes available to you and is therefore liable.

The community spaces are discussion areas where you can post opinions and information on specific topics.

The functions for sharing and recommending content from social networks enable us to recommend articles on our Site. When you use these functions, your browser establishes a direct link to the servers of the social network concerned. The sharing and/or recommendation of content available on the Site therefore appears both on the Site and on your profile on the social network concerned. We remind you for all practical purposes that the contributions (hereinafter referred to as "Contributions") resulting from the use of these functions are governed by the general terms and conditions of use of the network in question, and are in no way our responsibility.

By posting your various Contributions in these areas or via the functionalities described above, you authorise to use and reproduce all or part of the Contributions in the sections of the Site and in the eponymous magazine published by In the event that these Contributions are protected by copyright, you expressly assign to, free of charge, all intellectual property rights relating to them, and in particular the right to reproduce, represent and adapt them, on any medium and in any format, whether known or unknown at the time, throughout the world and for the legal duration of copyright protection, thus allowing to use and reproduce all or part of the Contributions, in the sections of the Site and in the eponymous magazine published by undertakes to take the utmost care of the Contributions, but may under no circumstances be held responsible for any alteration thereto. also undertakes to reproduce the Contributions with the pseudonym of their author as indicated by the latter.

You acknowledge that you are fully responsible for the Contributions that you publish in this section, and that these Contributions are not part of editorial activity.

Consequently, may not be held liable for the illicit nature of your Contributions. You guarantee against any recourse and/or action that may be brought by any person as a result of the publication of Contributions on the Site. You will assume all charges and payments which may be due or claimed from these same persons, whatever the cause or reason.

We remind you that forums, chats and other community areas are places for exchanging and debating ideas, where friendliness and respect for others are paramount. Everyone must therefore respect the other contributors and the pluralism of opinions that is necessary for a lively community. Any Contribution containing verbal aggression, gratuitous mockery or vulgarity may be subject to moderation and consequently removed from the Site.

These Contributions may not include content constituting or inciting the commission of acts punishable by law. You therefore undertake to respect the ethical principles listed below, without this list being exhaustive:

  • The Contributions must not undermine or be contrary to public order, morality or offend the sensibilities of minors;
  • The Contributions must not infringe in any way whatsoever the rights to reputation, privacy and image of third parties;
  • The Contributions must not be disparaging, defamatory, abusive, obscene, violent, racist or xenophobic, or in any way prejudice the image or reputation of a brand or any other natural or legal person;
  • The Contributions must not be used to threaten or harass in any way whatsoever;
  • The Contributions must not incite hatred, violence, suicide, racism, anti-Semitism, xenophobia, homophobia or glorify war crimes or crimes against humanity;
  • The Contributions must not incite discrimination against a person or group of persons on the grounds of their ethnicity, religion, race, sexual orientation or disability;
  • The Contributions must not incite to commit a crime, an offence or an act of terrorism;
  • The Contributions must not be of a pornographic or paedophilic nature;
  • The Contributions must not undermine the security or integrity of any State or territory whatsoever;
  • The Contributions must not infringe the intellectual property rights of any person whatsoever.

We recommend that you do not disclose online, to a stranger, any personal information about yourself that could identify you and more generally any sensitive or confidential data (postal address, telephone number, national insurance number, credit card number, driving licence number, age, etc.) that could be used against you or for illegal or prejudicial purposes. This is the case even when such disclosure is requested by a person with whom you are in dialogue, even if that person presents himself or herself as being authorised by or any other company. In any event, any such disclosure will be at your own risk and will not be liable for it. No agent, employee or salaried person of is authorised to request the following information from you, including in the context of your use of the services made available on this Site: surname, first name, address, credit card number, age.

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